Thursday, June 2, 2011

because i love babies and barbies.

i've been told that in my younger years if i ever saw a baby i would ask to pet it. pet it. like when you pet a dog. what in the world? i've also been told that one time i got a mcdonald's happy meal and inside of it was a barbie toy. apparently the skin color of my barbie was not the same color of my own skin. suffice it so say, i wasn't too happy so i threw it out the back window of the astro van on the 405 freeway. shortly after that incident i received a stern lecture on racism and my parent's have yet to buy me a happy meal since.

babies and happy meals. sometimes i wish i had both of them. but until then, i can just be an aunt to my friends babies and eat happy meals with them. about a month ago i was at a dodger game with two of my good friends and while i was ordering a dodger dog and swirled yogurt with extra sprinkles, i found out that my chemistry-lab-partner-bed-sharing-golden-spoon-loving-cafe-rio-eating friend was pregnant! i couldn't be more thrilled to find out that
Christina Mckay Koelliker Wilson 
aka Call was going to be having a baby! she and her husband will definitely be producing model children. (while at the beach in waikiki i witnessed a lady coming up to them asking if they were brad pitt and angelina jolie. truth be told). i was going to try and use one of those baby maker things online and put their faces together, but last time i did that unfortunately the child turned out slightly different looking. (see below).

They are going to be wonderful parents and i'm real excited for december. so cally and ally, cheers to you, cheers to cheesecake factory in waikiki and ken orton's house of midnight pleasures. i can't wait to "pet" baby wilson, and hopefully when he/she grows up they will love all of their happy meal toys.

while we are on the topic of babies, i can't wait for this babe of a mother to bring baby number TWO into this world!

prom 2006. 5 years later and now you have 1.5 kids. 

love this.

so christina and dani, and of course, matthew and alex, thank you for giving me two reasons why july and december will be great months.

love you all.


  1. I love you hick! Can't wait for Christina and Dani. You are such a great friend to always be happy and supportive to everybody. I love you!

  2. oh how I love you, can't wait for another little girl to adore her Auntie Rissa!

  3. Ha! I love your barbie story. I was obsessed with those barbie happy meal toys. Sometimes my grandma would walk me to McDonalds and I'd buy the toy without the happy meal for a quarter. bueno times.
